Apostle C. D. Briwder, Sr.

Pastor & Founder

Born January 15, 1986 in Memphis, Tennessee, Apostle Christopher Briwder is the oldest son of Bobby and Carla Lewis. He was introduced to holiness early in life and was saved at the age of four. The hand of God rested on him and he was filled with the Holy Ghost at the age of twelve. He believes in and lives a life of holiness and sanctification.  Serving God and His people has been a staple in Apostle Briwder’s life for quite some time. He began working in multiple areas of ministry at the Lord’s Tabernacle Holiness Church as a child. A graduate of Craigmont High School, Apostle Briwder later received Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Management from Strayer University, a Bachelor of Biblical Studies from Midwest College of Theology as well as a Master and Doctor of Theology from Kingdom University.  

Remaining faithful to God, Apostle Briwder began serving on the prison ministry team at age fourteen and officially accepted his call to the ministry at age fifteen. He continued to learn and grow in the Word of God and serve in ministry as opportunities presented themselves. In 2006, Apostle Briwder joined the Church of God in Christ where he was licensed and ordained and continued working to build the Kingdom of God. He has served in many capacities of the local, district, state and even national levels of the Church of God in Christ.  

In 2007, Christopher and Candace were married, and the couple has been blessed with three sons: Caleb, Cody and Christopher Jr. Candace and the boys have provided Apostle Briwder with constant support in life as well as ministry and continue to be a source of strength and fulfillment he needs to keep going.

Apostle Briwder has assisted in the establishment and advancement of several local assemblies. He has provided guidance in the planting of several churches in the West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi areas. In 2012, God led Apostle Briwder to plant Temple of Praise and has been blessing the ministry ever since. Pastor Briwder was affirmed an Apostle in the Lord’s church on November 4thof 2017. He now serves  as the President of Kingdom Alliance, Inc.

In 2024, Apostle Briwder was installed as the District Superintendent of the L. H. Ford Memorial District in the Tennessee Sixth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Bishop Charles Harrison Mason Patterson, Sr.


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